美國雅培Similac Soy For Fussiness & Gas Powder 352g
【英文名称】 :美國雅培Similac Soy For Fussiness & Gas Powder 352g
【中文名称】 :美國雅培Similac Soy 嬰兒豆奶粉352g
【品 牌】 : Similac雅培
【價 格】 : $400.00/罐
Early Shield™
Immune Support | Strong Bones | Brain & Eye
#1 Formula for Soy Nutrition
• Easy to digest
• Milk-Free, Lactose-Free
• With Iron
• Powder, add water
• Scoop stored in lid
For more than 80 years, Abbott's Similac brand formulas have been proven to be a safe and effective source of nutrition for millions of healthy babies. In response to mothers seeking "BPA free" products, Abbott is pleased to share that it has now achieved "BPA free" status in all of its Similac® brand powdered infant formula products.
Abbott products have been tested for BPA using the most sensitive and conservative tests available, and levels are undetectable for all powdered products and consistently 50 times below international safety standards for other infant nutrition products.
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, "The most important thing parents can do for their babies is ensure that they receive adequate nutrition. While the best source of nutrition for babies is a mother's breast milk, infant formula remains the recommended alternative when breast milk is not an option."
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